On Special Liquidation; During the liquidation period, the liquidation committee shall represent the Company in bringing or defending legal proceedings. 特别清算论&对我国公司法修改中的一点建议清算期间,清算委员会代表公司起诉或应诉。
The amount receivable by the parties hereto after the settlement and liquidation of the company. 公司结算清理后,本合同各方应得的款项。
To formulate plans for merger, division, change of corporate form, dissolution and liquidation of the Company; 拟订公司合并、分立、变更公司形式、解散、清算的方案;
At present, government departments has already begun on the wheat-Astoria and the liquidation of the company to investigate. 目前,政府部门已经开始对小麦道夫和该公司清盘调查。
The creditors of Yukos rejected a management rescue plan yesterday and voted for the liquidation of the Russian oil company. 尤科斯(yukos)的债权人昨日否决了一项管理层拯救计划,投票支持对这家俄罗斯石油公司进行破产清算。
"To decide on issues such as merger, division, change in corporate form or dissolution and liquidation of the company" 对公司合并、分立、变更公司形式、解散和清算等事项作出决议
Research on the Shareholder's Civil Liability for the Creditors in the Liquidation of Company 论公司注销后股东对债权人的民事责任
Liquidation preference: Contractual right of an investor to priority in receiving the proceeds from the liquidation of a company. 清算优先权。公司出售时或倒闭时拥有该权利的股东有优先权把他们的股份变现。
During liquidation, a company still exists but shall not engage in new business activities unrelated to the liquidation. 清算期间,公司存续,但不得开展与清算无关的经营活动。
In order to prevent the tribunal from making a judgment before the liquidation process was completed, company A needed to slow down the arbitration. 为避免在合资公司清算前仲裁案件已审理完毕并作出裁决结案,A公司需要合法地利用仲裁程序延缓仲裁案件的审理。
On the Causes of Dissolution and Liquidation of Corporations and Judicial Relief& And on the Improvement of Company Special Liquidation System in Company Law 论公司解散清算僵局的成因及其司法救济&兼谈《公司法》公司特别清算制度的完善
But there are lots of omissions in our company law, especially the deficiency concerning of the shareholders civil liability in the non-bankrupt liquidation of the company. 作为公司清算义务人的股东对这一进程的顺利完成起着举足轻重的作用。
With the set up of passenger transport company, the liquidation relationship between the company and the Sub Administration needs to be well handled so that both sides can develop together; 客运公司成立后,要处理好公司和铁路分局的清算关系,共同发展;
The liquidation of the company is the necessary step for the company to quit the market as the establishment of the company is the necessary step for it to enter the market. 如果把公司的设立看成公司的诞生并由此进入市场的必经程序的话,那么公司的清算就是公司走向死亡并由此退出市场的必要步骤。
Liquidation company is the same juridical personality as original company. 清算中公司的法律地位。清算中公司与原公司具有同一法律人格,公司的法律人格不因解散而消灭;
This chapter starts with the general theory of company liquidation, probe into the nature of the company liquidation and company's characteristic among liquidation. 本章由公司清算一般理论入手,探讨公司清算的特性与清算中公司的性质。
Establishment of the Liquidation Process for Revoked Business License Company& Revoking Business License should Combine with the Liquidation Process 被吊照公司清算制度的构建&吊销公司企业法人营业执照应与清算制度相结合
Liquidation company should participate in all legal relations with its own name during continuing period, the liquidator can only carry on the lawsuit as the lawsuit representative of the liquidation company, can't carry on the lawsuit with its own name. 清算公司在存续期间得以自己的名义参与一切法律关系,清算人仅能作为清算公司的诉讼代表人进行诉讼,而不能以自己的名义进行诉讼。
Company dismissal, company liquidation and company cancellation are three inevitable legal procedures before company termination, which connect each other and also distinguish each other. Among other things, the company liquidation is most important. 公司解散、公司清算和公司注销是三个互相联系而又有区别的公司终止前必经的三个法律程序,其中公司清算是最重要的程序。
The company's debt serving ability relies more on the assets condition, especially the liquidation of the company. 公司的偿债能力更多地建立于公司现实的资产状况,尤其是公司可变现的资产之上。
According to the theory of Company Law, liquidation is an indispensable procedure for company termination. All of the termination must face this procedure except for the same situation caused by merger or separation of the company. 依据公司法的理论,清算是公司终止的必经程序,公司除因合并或者分立原因引起的终止外,一律必须经过清算。
Because of various reasons, many business license be revoked without liquidation of the company, its business license and company prove that the company seal and other documents of the entity can not be recovered. 由于种种原因,诸多被吊销营业执照的公司不进行清算,其营业执照和公司印鉴等证明公司主体资格的证件也无法收回。
The scope of liquidation obligor shall include the company directors, the controlling shareholders and actual controller. 指明清算义务人的范围应包括公司董事、控股股东和实际控制人。
Corporate deadlock the main purpose of the judicial relief is how to keep company, but the dissolution and liquidation of the company to maximize the economic efficiency and the social efficiency. 公司僵局司法救济的主要目的不是如何促使公司解散和清算,而是如何最大限度的发挥公司的经济效能和社会效益。
And the company liquidation procedures provided in the existing Company Law is only a general liquidation procedure in ideal state. But in practice, definitely there are lots of problems that the general liquidation can not liquidate normally. 而且现行《公司法》中规定的公司清算程序只是一种理想状态下的普通清算程序,而实践中恰恰又大量存在普通清算程序无法进行时如何清算的问题。
This part further discusses the legal status of liquidation obligor by analyzing the relationships between liquidation obligor and the company after dissolving, the subject of liquidation and liquidator. 该部分还通过分析清算义务人与解散后的公司、清算主体和清算人的关系进一步论述了清算义务人的法律地位。
To improve the liquidation laws, we should follow the principle of benefit balance to make it more suitable for China in the liquidation legal responsibilities, liquidation legal relief system and company liquidation registration. 而对这一法律制度的完善可本着利益平衡的原则,从严格公司清算的法律责任制度、完善公司清算的救济制度、强化公司清算的登记制度三个方面来进行。
The value of the system of compulsory liquidation of the company is that embodied in different frame of reference being used. 公司强制清算制度的价值,是指公司强制清算制度对于不同的参照物所体现出的可被利用性。
The second part, to the issues raised as a starting point, select from the proceedings, the conditions of admissibility, the party position, and dissolution and liquidation of the company deadlock four basic issues of judicial relief. 第二部分,以提出的问题为出发点,从诉讼选择、受理条件、当事人地位以及解散与清算四个方面分析公司僵局司法救济的基本问题。
The non-bankruptcy liquidation follows the Company law system and its associated regulations and legal procedures. 破产清算由破产法规制,非破产清算由《公司法》及其相关法律、法规规范。